Though Clifton and Dorothy Potter first met at Lynchburg College (now the University of Lynchburg), Clifton’s Lynchburg story started much earlier with his birth at Marshall Lodge Memorial Hospital on Grace Street (later the Grace Lodge and recently approved to be converted into apartments).  His parents met and fell in love in the Rivermont area, when his father, who lived on the lower end of Victoria Avenue (behind the old Jones Memorial Library) would travel up to 612 Victoria, on the upper end of the street, to court his mother on her parents’ porch.  Growing up on Rivermont Avenue would provide warm memories for Clifton, which would be cherished forever. When living at 456 Rivermont Avenue (the old George & Mary Jones House) from 1946-1955, he discovered all sorts of “secrets” that made it a very pleasant and sometimes exciting place to grow up. As an example, at night, Clifton would often hear strange sounds, which he later discovered to be those of an old hand-powered elevator that was used to get a wheelchair bound George Morgan Jones upstairs.  However, by the time the Potter family had moved into the house, the elevator had long been removed, adding another ghost story to the many along the Avenue!

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Gerard Sherayko

Department of History

Randolph College
2500 Rivermont Avenue
Lynchburg, VA 24503
