Throughout their years, the Hesters remained boosters for Rivermont and Lynchburg, hosting many friends and colleagues, including more than a few from Germany, enjoying the opportunity to show off their new adopted home.  Deanna would also serve on the board of the Friends of Rivermont. Though they did not have any ghost stories to share, Deanna mentioned a year where the belligerent Lynchburg groundhogs kept stealing her tomatoes.  She collaborated with a few of her neighbors to eventually catch the thieving groundhog red-handed, though a few false miscreants, such as a raccoon, were also caught along the way. Though Carl passed away in 2019, Deanna still lives at the house where so many memories have been made. She remains a proud advocate for the preservation of the Rivermont Historic District.

Interviewed 6/29/2011




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Contact Us

Gerard Sherayko

Department of History

Randolph College
2500 Rivermont Avenue
Lynchburg, VA 24503
